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What’s new in Hydra Billing – Version 6.2

Dmitry Koplovich, 17 November 2023

We are thrilled to share the news that we now have Hydra Billing 6.2. Let’s see what you get with the new version.

New time interval specifications

We have totally reconsidered time interval specifications. Various time interval settings could now be used both in basic contracts and in individual price specifications!

Копия engTimeInt_1

Interval descriptions are now two-fold and can be set for both days and hours, with days displayed as a calendar.

Копия engTimeInt_2

Specification validity period is not limited any longer, and can be extended with the help of adding new dates in day type descriptions.

Копия engTimeInt_3

Comments to adjustments

The reason for customer balance adjustment, as well as any other comments, can now be  added in a separate field.

Копия engAdjustRemark

REST API v2 update

Just like any up-to-date solution, Hydra can be seamlessly integrated into the service provider infrastructure using REST API. REST is the most popular option due to the availability of its standard libraries. In the new version, we have updated REST API up to version 2, having added:

Search by customer profile

We have introduced the Search by profile on a customer page: use it if a customer has several equipment, each with multiple profiles. You can search by equipment, creation date, template, and profile attributes.Копия engProfileSearch

Searching can be done over all of a customer’s equipment; moreover, you may search only for valid profiles, or, vice versa, invalid ones that are currently in force.

New statuses for deactivated tasks

Tasks that have been deactivated manually, now have a special status. Thus you can easily distinguish an incident from a setting done via the Service Provider Console interface or monitoring.

Копия engSchedule

Other new features

Order a Hydra Billing demo on our website.

If you have any further questions or need a consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at

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